John of God Distance Healing Requests
Distant Healing Instructions - Next Session with John of God - Wednesday & Thursday
We at HALE MALAMALAMA OLA PONO HAWAIIAN HOLISTIC HEALTH & WELLNESS DAY SPA Believe in Perpetuating a Powerful Integration of Ancient Lapa'au Wisdom and State of the Art Vibrational Healing Modalities for Rejuvenating, Relaxing, Cleansing and Revitalizing Mind, Heart, Body & Spirit!
Our Mission is To Perpetuate Health and Wellbeing of Mind, Body & Spirit thru Inspiring Our Ohana To Live In The Spirit of Aloha Making Love Our Way Of Life and Educating Our Ohana in The Sacred Hawaiian Way of Malama/Taking Cherished Care of All Relationships, with Spirit, Life, Mind, Love, Body, Inner Peace, and Harmonious Pono Relations Living By Example Creating a Healthy Wealthy World.
Energy Medicine has become a very popular complimentary alternative healing therapy. It is the medicine of the future!
We have Amazing Nurturing Crystal Healing Baths, Infra Red Sauna, BioMat InfraRed Lomilomi, Alkaline Water, Current Room, Hawaiian Blessings for Healing, Weddings, Romantic Vow Renewal, Relationship Counseling, Hawaiian Seawater Cleanses, Lomilomi, Ho'oponopono 'I'ike Preventive Protocols for Maximizing Relaxation and Wellbeing as well as Symptomatic, Diagnosed Protocols and Distance Healing Protocols for Restoring Health and Wholeness.
Kahu Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda, is one of the Pioneers in Holistic Dentistry UCLA 1980. She is Founding-Director and Cross-Cultural Ho'oponopono Practitioner, is humbly grateful for the honor of having been given the rare and special permission to offer the Crystal Baths here at Hale Malamalama Ola Pono by John of God, a renown international healer of Brazil who has helped thousands of people. He was recently featured last November 2010 on Oprah. Update: Oprah, herself visited the Casa with John of God in Brazil in March of this year. The Healing of Humanity and the Planet Is Happening.
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison
We are here to support your Healing and offer this service, Distant Healing at no charge and Donations go to the Casa. If you want the herbs, the suggested offering is $85 for herbs and shipping. That is done thru below paypal.
Kindly follow the instructions below and share with me the Great News!!! Blessings, Dr Kahealani Satchitananda
PLEASE: Never send a photo on its own, follow the instructions below.
Email must include:
- Name,
- address,
- photo,
- date of birth,
- ailment , you may request only 3 ailments
- and
- Paypal
- payment/offering order number. Due to the volume of emails if you do not write the order number it can result in a possible delay in the process.
- Paypal
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Your photo will go in front of John of God, in entity/Spiritual Doctor/Aumakua, on Wednesday or Thursday of following week . You may email for Wednesday or Thursday presentation up to 12 NOON pm previous Monday.
- The photos will be presented to the entity/spiritual doctor/Aumakua at approximately 7:30 am HST.
- Kahu Kahealani will get back to you by the weekend to let you know that the photo was presented and whether a surrogate surgery was indicated at this time and who the spiritual doctor/entity was.
- PLEASE NOTE: John of God in Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity will not say anything or give you any answers or insights into you condition verbally. You may receive insights through dreams and intuition and it is important to pay attention to these.
Step 1: Distant Healing with a photo. The first step for Distant Healing is done by photo submission to the Casa. The Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity who looks at your picture can scan your energy from the photo.
For adults, the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity will always give you herbs. It will be passiflora, in capsule form, that will be energized for your problem specifically. The herbs will be sent to the address you put in your email address. you may not drink alcohol, eat pork or hot spicy foods while taking the herbs. (about 55 days). Take one capsule three times a day.
If you are sending photos for others for Distant Healing they must know about and consent to the treatment.
Should the entity want to see you in Brazil to most likely perform invisible surgery, he may mark your photo with an X. Not having the X does not mean do not come however. If your photo is marked with an X, then the entity will be asked if the person is a candidate for surrogate surgery.
Step 2: Distant Healing with a surrogate person in Brazil standing in for you, (if you have received an X on your photo).
This means that you would need to follow all post operative guidelines as if you had received the surgery yourself in Brazil. No sex, or raising of the sexual energy for 40 days as well as no pork, alcohol or chilli while on the herbs. NO SEX IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE HAVING A SURROGATE SURGERY BECAUSE THEIR PHOTO WAS MARKED with AN X.
Having a surrogate stand in for you is only suggested if there is no way you can come to the Casa soon. It could be described as a 'stop-gap' measure - to be taken to help you until you can make it to the Casa youself. The surgery may help you do that. Coming to the Casa to meet with him personally and be treated by him and all the spiritual doctors/guides/entities/aumakua there, is always the best option for anyone and the surgery is not a replacment for being here in person. When asked, there is no guarantee he will suggest surrogate surgery and may just say it is better to take the herbs. You must be able to rest completely at home for a full 24 hours and no heavy exercise or lifting for one week.
Should your photo receive an X and you do not request a surrogate surgery or have plans to come immediately, rest assured the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity, are still working on your problem and the herbs will be on their way to you.
DistantHealing is powerful and simply another way to have the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity, work on you, one is not *stronger* than the other.
Any one that is ill, that wishes to be treated and healed by the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity, the Distant Healing with the herbs is always recommended. It is important for us that we are active in our healing, and by committing to the herbs, to the treatment, to abstaining from pork, alcohol and chilli, it shows we are active in our healing process and mindful on a daily basis.
1) E-mail a small full length recent photograph of yourself approx 7cm x 10cm (200px x 300px) in .jpg or .gif format. PLEASE try not to send large files, about 150 KB would be great. Remember there are 1,000 KB in a megabyte. Do not wear sunglassses.
2) Write the Name, [of person receiving healing'] and the Paypal order Number ' [that came with your order] in the subject line of the Below HEALING REQUEST FORM
3) In the body of the email message, include your:
- Full name
- Current mailing address, if not your home address please include your home address also.
- Date of birth (spell the name of the month, please)
- The concern you want told to the Entities. You can have a maximum of 3 concerns to be addressed
- If you wish to be a candidate for surrogate surgery
- HERBS: The 15 digit
- Paypal
- Order number that is on your email receipt.
- Paypal
It is helpful for you to be clear with your own intentions and focused about the changes you would like to make.
The herbs will be sent to the address you put in your request form below. There is no response from the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity in words, other than marking the photo with an x or not.
What will happen exactly when the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity (inside John of God) looks at your photo?
He will look for a few seconds and may or may not put an X. He will then write on a piece of paper and this will be placed over the photo. This is the passiflora request to connect you to the entities. From there the entities will be starting to help you.
PLEASE NOTE: John of God in Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity will not say anything or give you any answers or insights into you condition verbally. You may receive insights through dreams and intuition and it is important to pay attention to these.
Distant Healing with the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity is a process, just like when we have have acupuncture, or reiki or see the doctor, very often we might have a change immediately, but it is ongoing treatment that effects lasting results.
Brazilians are told to return every 40 days, foreigners and those who cannot do this have their photo presented. This is a healing process that begins today!
$85 - 1 Herbs
$160.00 - 2 Herbs
Fill out form below to order herbs and request healing
Only choose to purchase two lots of herbs if you are sending photos for two people. You may pay with a credit card from any country.
Allow approximately 3 weeks for delivery by regular mail and 10 days for the courier. Regular mail may take as little a two weeks but it is not guaranteed coming from Brazil. The courier sometimes takes longer, please be patient, some countries are not as efficient as others, even with couriers. After the payment is made google checkout will send you a receipt with the order number.
If you do not get a receipt, check your junk mail. If you still do not have one, then you have not completed the order process.
Please note that 808 298-6411 is not an order number it is my phone number.
Important information about the Spiritual Doctors/Spirit Guides/Aumakuas/Entities and the healing at the Casa in Brazil.
The Casa in Brazil is not a magic bullet or a place where miracles happen every day regardless of the sometimes extraordinary things that happen to people and the powerful healing that occurs. It is a place where the entities, with our efforts help us make energetic shifts within the complexities of our karma and other factors. They have the power to shift and raise our vibration and manipulate our energy field for the better. They can do this in a way that is far beyond anything we are used to. They have come here from higher realms to selflessly give to us in order that we may grow mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and sometimes physically. They are here to help us on the path to love and wholeness. This can take time and results can vary from person to person.It is not a place where one time healing fixes everything. There Spiritual Doctors/Spirit Guides/Aumakuas/Entities are very clear when they say, 'There is no magic here - go to work'.
See Note titled Testimonials by people who have received Distant Healing (treatment with the herbs) through the entities and John of God. There have been some remarkable and profound healing stories of the entities working in this way.
Children: Treatment for children is usually done without the need of herbs and therefore you may email pictures of your children following the same guidelines, but no payment is needed if they are under the age of 14. A photo, name, address, ailment and date of birth is needed. Occasionally he will suggest herbs to an older child, or even a child under the age of 14 - sometimes at a reduced dose. There will be no reply for children, the entity, [John of God with the spirit inside] will keep the photo to work on the child. If he gives a reduced dose of herbs then you will be informed and can arrnage payment. THERE WILL BE NO RESPONSE IN WORDS FROM THE SPIRITUAL GUIDES FOR CHILDREN.
Who will sit in for you, should you request a surrogate surgery?
Grainne McEntee is a caring and compassionate Irish woman who has made her life in Abadiania for the past nine years. She is a casa Volunteer and a wonderful asset to the community, being one of Abadiania's beloved, happy and cheerful residents.
There is no set fee for her being a surrogate for you, however there will be above fee for herb passiflora to be taken in conjunction with the surgery.
And a small payment or offering to Grainne would be much appreciated. This can be discussed with Kahu Kahealani at the appropriate time.
We will need to work out a time that is suitable for you, as you will need to rest for a full 24 hours. Invisible surgery by the Spiritual Doctors/Spirit Guides/Aumakuas/Entities can be somewhat similar to real surgery and at the same time nothing quite like it.
There is a 40 day period for all the healing to see results and it must be stressed that this healing here in Brazil, whilst often having some instantaneous results is also not a 'quick fix'. It took many years to become ill and create habits and patterns physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally and these are the things that the entities want to help us with. We must also be pro active in our healing, helping ourselves to be well in all aspects of our lives.
What is Passiflora?
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is used in traditional remedies as a "calming" herb for anxiety and insomnia. During the early twentieth century, this herb was included in many over-the-counter sedatives and sleep aids. It is also used in German homeopathic medicine to treat pain, insomnia, and nervous restlessness. Today passionflower (often in combination with other calming herbs) is still used to help treat insomnia, tension, and other health problems related to anxiety and nervousness.
Ingredients: These capsules contain only dried powdered Passiflora herb in a hard capsule shell to maintain the potency of the plant. The dried leaf is pure and entirely natural. Each capsule typically provides 200mg Passiflora powder.Directions for use: Adults: 1 capsule 3 times a day, with a little water. They are energized for you and help maintain your connection and intention to tha Casa and the entities as they help you and may not be given to others.
Please seek medical advice if pregnant.Keep out of reach and sight of children.Store in a cool dry place. This product is not