Our Mission
My mission is to bless, inspire and empower others to so love themselves so much that they, too, devote their lives to awakening into oneness, making love your way of life, being completely aligned with the Divine in perfect and sacred relationship with God, life, love, health, wealth, inner joy and perfect self expression as spiritual warriors returning to the sacred, upholding ancient Hawaiian values the sacred Hawaiian way, healing all relationships and living pono.
Aloha ia O'koa Pa'a Pono!
When We Meet in Love, We Shall Be Whole!
In Correct Alignment.
All of our work is based on Hawaiian Pre-Ali’I Mana’o, Ancient Hawaiian Cultural Values, Ways of Seeing and Using the Healing Mana of Hawaiian Olelo as taught to me by my Kupuna and Kahuna in Honor of what I choose to call,
The Sacred Hawaiian Way.
All knowledge is not in one school
E kala mai, please forgive any offenses by me or my ancestors. I do not profess for this to be the “only way”
and I do share that it is a very powerful effective way.
Our Kuleana
Our Purpose
Our Mission
Uwe Ka Lani, Honua a Kanaka
When the Heavens Rain, the Earth and The People Heal
The Life Of The Land, Your Health, Your Finances, Your Relations, Your Joy, Your Life, Your Peace of Mind, All Creation Is Preserved By Righteousness, Right-Use_Ness, Divine Right Action
Any Thought That Causes You Suffering Stems From a Lie.
Howard Falco
To Create a Conscious World of Whole and Empowered People Who Know Who They Really Are and Live Life Loving God, Giving Thanks For All of Life's Gracious Generosities and Expressing Their Inner Greatness.
Please Join Our Ohana of Spirit Greatness!
A'ohe Lokomaikai i Nele I Ke Panai
No Kind Deed Has Ever Lacked It's Reward.
I am a Conscious Lover of God,
Dweller in the Light,
Perceiver of the Truth
and Respecter of the Law
I Consciously Court the Divine Presence
I Am Consciously Receptive to It in All Things and In All Ways.
Aloha ia O'koa Pa'a Pono!....When We Meet in Love, We Shall Be Whole!
My Purpose, Raison Detre and Intention is to Attain and Walk in Pure Aloha, in This Lifetime, Living in Inherent Oneness, Lokahi, Honoring My Inner Greatness and Reaching my Divine Destiny Living in a Body Radiant with Perfect Health and a Heart in Radiant Devotion in Sacred Courtship with the Tangible Divine Reality of Spirit and in Honor Walking in the Footsteps of the Ancestors,
Awakening into Oneness/Lokahi, the true spirit of Aloha.
My Mission is to Bless, Inspire and Empower Others to So Love Themselves So Much that they, too, Devote their Lives to Awakening into Oneness, Making Love Your Way of Life, Being Completely Aligned with the Divine in Perfect and Sacred Relationship with God, Life, Love, Health, Wealth, Inner Joy and Perfect Self Expression as Spiritual Warriors Returning to the Sacred, upholding Ancient Hawaiian Values the Sacred Hawaiian Way, Healing All Relationships and Living Pono.
Aloha Onipa'a! Malama Ponoloa! Ho'i i ka Pono!!!
Perpetuating a Powerful Integration of Ancient Lapa'au Wisdom and State of the Art Vibrational Healing Modalities for Rejuvenating, Relaxing, Cleansing and Revitalizing Mind, Heart, Body & Spirit!
To Perpetuate Health and Wellbeing of Mind, Body & Spirit thru Inspiring Our Ohana To Live In The Spirit of Aloha Making Love Our Way Of Life and Educating Our Ohana in The Sacred Hawaiian Way of Malama/Taking Cherished Care of All Relationships, with Spirit, Life, Mind, Love, Body, Inner Peace, and Harmonious Pono Relations Living By Example Creating a Healthy Wealthy World.
Kahu Kāhealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda
In Correct Alignment.
All of our work is based on Hawaiian Pre-Ali’I Mana’o, Ancient Hawaiian Cultural Values, Ways of Seeing and Using the Healing Mana of Hawaiian Olelo as taught to me by my Kupuna and Kahuna in Honor of what I choose to call,
The Sacred Hawaiian Way.
All knowledge is not in one school
E kala mai, please forgive any offenses by me or my ancestors. I do not profess for this to be the “only way”
and I do share that it is a very powerful effective way.
Our Kuleana
Our Purpose
Our Mission
Uwe Ka Lani, Honua a Kanaka
When the Heavens Rain, the Earth and The People Heal
The Life Of The Land, Your Health, Your Finances, Your Relations, Your Joy, Your Life, Your Peace of Mind, All Creation Is Preserved By Righteousness, Right-Use_Ness, Divine Right Action
Any Thought That Causes You Suffering Stems From a Lie.
Howard Falco
To Create a Conscious World of Whole and Empowered People Who Know Who They Really Are and Live Life Loving God, Giving Thanks For All of Life's Gracious Generosities and Expressing Their Inner Greatness.
Please Join Our Ohana of Spirit Greatness!
A'ohe Lokomaikai i Nele I Ke Panai
No Kind Deed Has Ever Lacked It's Reward.
I am a Conscious Lover of God,
Dweller in the Light,
Perceiver of the Truth
and Respecter of the Law
I Consciously Court the Divine Presence
I Am Consciously Receptive to It in All Things and In All Ways.
Aloha ia O'koa Pa'a Pono!....When We Meet in Love, We Shall Be Whole!
My Purpose, Raison Detre and Intention is to Attain and Walk in Pure Aloha, in This Lifetime, Living in Inherent Oneness, Lokahi, Honoring My Inner Greatness and Reaching my Divine Destiny Living in a Body Radiant with Perfect Health and a Heart in Radiant Devotion in Sacred Courtship with the Tangible Divine Reality of Spirit and in Honor Walking in the Footsteps of the Ancestors,
Awakening into Oneness/Lokahi, the true spirit of Aloha.
My Mission is to Bless, Inspire and Empower Others to So Love Themselves So Much that they, too, Devote their Lives to Awakening into Oneness, Making Love Your Way of Life, Being Completely Aligned with the Divine in Perfect and Sacred Relationship with God, Life, Love, Health, Wealth, Inner Joy and Perfect Self Expression as Spiritual Warriors Returning to the Sacred, upholding Ancient Hawaiian Values the Sacred Hawaiian Way, Healing All Relationships and Living Pono.
Aloha Onipa'a! Malama Ponoloa! Ho'i i ka Pono!!!
Perpetuating a Powerful Integration of Ancient Lapa'au Wisdom and State of the Art Vibrational Healing Modalities for Rejuvenating, Relaxing, Cleansing and Revitalizing Mind, Heart, Body & Spirit!
To Perpetuate Health and Wellbeing of Mind, Body & Spirit thru Inspiring Our Ohana To Live In The Spirit of Aloha Making Love Our Way Of Life and Educating Our Ohana in The Sacred Hawaiian Way of Malama/Taking Cherished Care of All Relationships, with Spirit, Life, Mind, Love, Body, Inner Peace, and Harmonious Pono Relations Living By Example Creating a Healthy Wealthy World.
Kahu Kāhealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda
Kanaka Makua:
A person who is emotionally and mentally mature, a person,
even though a child, who demonstrates mature behavior.
A thoughtful Hawaiian hopes that his/her children will grow up
to be kanaka makua.
A kanaka makua takes responsibility; he controls his temper;
he does not jump into things; he is not a scatterbrain.
A kanaka makua realizes that anger can cause hihia [entanglement] or
an ever widening damaging network of ill feeling,
but a cool-headed person must have an equally warm heart.
A kanaka makua is kind; he is thoughtful and senses the feelings of others.
A kanaka makua is hospitable and holds a temperament of sharing and giving.
He shows this in a way that is personable, concerned and comfortable.
A kanaka makua is humble, cooperative and loyal to family.
He is equally courteous and gracious.
A kanaka makua is admired for his achievements, his perfection and courage.
The Hawaiians had no use for cowards and held in esteem the sailor,
the fisherman and the warrior.
Industry, excellence and skillfulness were also attributes of a kanaka makua.
The kanaka makua is respected for his hard work and eagerness to engage
in a venture, be it house building, farming or community service.
A person who is emotionally and mentally mature, a person,
even though a child, who demonstrates mature behavior.
A thoughtful Hawaiian hopes that his/her children will grow up
to be kanaka makua.
A kanaka makua takes responsibility; he controls his temper;
he does not jump into things; he is not a scatterbrain.
A kanaka makua realizes that anger can cause hihia [entanglement] or
an ever widening damaging network of ill feeling,
but a cool-headed person must have an equally warm heart.
A kanaka makua is kind; he is thoughtful and senses the feelings of others.
A kanaka makua is hospitable and holds a temperament of sharing and giving.
He shows this in a way that is personable, concerned and comfortable.
A kanaka makua is humble, cooperative and loyal to family.
He is equally courteous and gracious.
A kanaka makua is admired for his achievements, his perfection and courage.
The Hawaiians had no use for cowards and held in esteem the sailor,
the fisherman and the warrior.
Industry, excellence and skillfulness were also attributes of a kanaka makua.
The kanaka makua is respected for his hard work and eagerness to engage
in a venture, be it house building, farming or community service.