Respected Elders/Teachers
He mau makana nâu kêia na kô mâkou kûpuna.
These are gifts for you from our elders.
By their living examples, our kûpuna/elders bestowed their Hawaiian values upon their keiki/children and mo`opuna/grandchildren.
These were the best gifts given, as lives imbued with these values are immeasurably enhanced and truly waiwai/rich, in heart and in spirit.
May you strive to embrace, cherish and preserve these values,
so you too may live a life of value.
The Voices of Our Kupuna and Kahuna Live!
"Ua olo loko i ke Aloha....Love gives Life within."
"Halia'Alia Mau"...Sweet Remembrance.
O ke aloha ka'iu… Love is Paradise
"Halia'Alia Mau"...Sweet Remembrance.
O ke aloha ka'iu… Love is Paradise

LIVING PONO, In Correct Alignment.
. All of our work is based on Hawaiian Pre-Ali’I Mana’o, Ancient Hawaiian Cultural Values, Ways of Seeing and Using the Healing Mana of Hawaiian Olelo as taught to me by my Kupuna and Kahuna in Honor of what I choose to call,
The Sacred Hawaiian Way.
All knowledge is not in one school
ʻAʻohe pau ka ʻikei ka hālau hoʻokāhi;
One can learn from many sources...
. E kala mai, please forgive any offenses by me or my ancestors, my intentions are pure.
In my mana'o, I do not profess for this to be the “only way”
and I do share that, mahalo to the ancient ones, it is a very powerful effective way
for healing the Hawaiian heart and the Hearts of all Humanity.
Ola I Ka Makana Ma Ke Akua
Life Is A Gift From God
With Great Respect and With Great Love
We Mahalo Our Mauna, Our Ancestors, Aumakua and Our Kupuna
and Choose To Walk In Their Footsteps!
LIVING PONO, In Correct Alignment.
. All of our work is based on Hawaiian Pre-Ali’I Mana’o, Ancient Hawaiian Cultural Values, Ways of Seeing and Using the Healing Mana of Hawaiian Olelo as taught to me by my Kupuna and Kahuna in Honor of what I choose to call,
The Sacred Hawaiian Way.
All knowledge is not in one school
ʻAʻohe pau ka ʻikei ka hālau hoʻokāhi;
One can learn from many sources...
. E kala mai, please forgive any offenses by me or my ancestors, my intentions are pure.
In my mana'o, I do not profess for this to be the “only way”
and I do share that, mahalo to the ancient ones, it is a very powerful effective way
for healing the Hawaiian heart and the Hearts of all Humanity.
Ola I Ka Makana Ma Ke Akua
Life Is A Gift From God
With Great Respect and With Great Love
We Mahalo Our Mauna, Our Ancestors, Aumakua and Our Kupuna
and Choose To Walk In Their Footsteps!
- Papa K. is a Kahuna Healer and Elder of the ancient Hawaiian healing traditions. He was trained by his grandfather and father, both Kahuna of lomi lomi and “la’au lapa’au” since he was six years old and recognized as having the mana (power) of healing. He was one of only a few Kupuna who specializes in healing with the sacred breath of HA, and the gentle touch of lomi lomi, the ancient spiritual bodywork of Hawaii. Papa K is of the Pele lineage and seven generations King Kamehameha I. In 2008, two weeks before he joined the ancestors and left his body, Kahu Kahealani was blessed and chosen to receive his initiation of the Sacred Ha breath on Kilauea crater Halemaumau and given permission to offer this la'a kea blessing to others. It was the last time she saw him in this body. Great beings, kahuna have knowledge of the time they choose to cross over and it is traditional for them to choose an alaka'i to blow his breath into their mouth and on the po'o as this ho'omanamana healing mana is transferred.
- Aunty Margaret Machado taught Lomilomi, she referred to it as "Loving Touch" The late Aunty Margaret was licensed in 1965 and has taught thousands of students Massage, Ho'oponopono (forgiveness), Prayer, and Internal Cleansing. Aunty Margaret was a master at healing the soul as well as unconditional love. She has blessed and forever changed countless lives. She passed away in Kona on December 28, 2009, at the age of 93. Kahuna Machado also received this transfer of ho'omanamana healing mana from her grandfather when he came to visit her even though she was Christian. He offered pule chants, tears and blew his breath into her mouth and on top of her po'o while in prayer.
- Auntie Morrhna Simeona, the Living Treasure of Hawai'i taught ho'oponopono in the ways of her family lineage and cultivated wisdom and lomilomi for many years at the Royal Hawaiian Resort in Waikiki and traveled the world sharing her mana'o.
- Kupuna Hale Kealohalani Makua
- Queen Liliuokalani