Kahuna Hale Kealohalani Makua
"Love all you see, including yourself." -- Kahuna Nui Hale Kealohalani Makua
According to Kahuna Hale Makua as well as my own kupuna of Moloka'i, there are three Ihi Kapu Sacred Laws of Aloha and an Abundant Flow of Life.
1) Love All that You See with Humility.
2) Live All that You Feel with Reverence.
3) Know All that You Possess with Discipline.
We are spiritual warriors walking the narrow path. The Great Ones say it may not be easy. Some of them took 7 years to master each one of the Sacred Laws, some took many lifetimes. Reincarnation is God's way of generously giving us all the time we need to learn and align with the Ihi Kapu Sacred Laws of Pono/Aloha. We now have the power of inner mastery becoming sovereign human beings. Hawaiian Sovereignty begins within!
Hale Makua Seen by many as the Chief Kahuna of The Island of Hawaii, Hale Makua was, through his mother, a seventh generation descendant of King Kamehameha and his third wife Kahaku Ha’a Koi Wahine Pi’o. Through his father, he was a seventh generation descendent of High Chief Keoua Kuahu’ula, the son of High Chief Kalaniopu’u and cousin of King Kamehameha.
Makua, as he was generally known, was recognized as a kahuna elder and as a high chief all over the oceanic world. The Hawaiian word kahuna implies mastery, and Makua was the keeper of an extraordinary and possibly unequaled body of knowledge. He was also a warrior, a mystic, a sage and an accomplished healer.
"Very few people knew who he was, because he kept a very low profile because of his genuine humility. Makua was kahuna on both sides of his family, which means he comes from a long tradition of kahuna mystics; he was a kahuna kupua. And you could say that he was a shaman, because he had such an ongoing and open relationship with his ancestors in spirit. As I got to know him I learned that he had approximately 27 generations of ancestors following him around as his spiritual advisors! It was like he had an open link to these ancestors all the time. So you could call Makua a shaman.Makua never called himself a kahuna, but he certainly was. If you went to Easter Island or to New Zealand or Tahiti or Huahine or Raiatea, everyone knew him. And in his elder years, he really moved toward becoming a world figure. They would send him to speak to the Native American nations. He was on stage with the Dalai Lama at the United Nations in New York, and he was sent to many of the conferences with the world indigenous spiritual network in Africa and elsewhere. So this guy was really something! I guess you could say that in many ways, he was kind of like the Dalai Lama of Polynesia." -- Hank Wesselman Makua passed away from this world in 2004.
We hope that he is smiling down upon us from Kua I He Lani!
E na`i wale no`oukou, I ku`u pono`a`ole pau
"Prevail / continue my just deeds, they are not yet finished"
-- King Kamehameha I
Makua's three pillars of Aloha, to walk in respect, humility and to allow the world to come to you, to care for your kuleana with self-discipline.
Makua was a master teacher. He had an uncanny ability to meet each person at their own level, leaving them feeling fully seen and uniquely loved.
According to Kahuna Hale Makua as well as my own kupuna of Moloka'i, there are three Ihi Kapu Sacred Laws of Aloha and an Abundant Flow of Life.
1) Love All that You See with Humility.
2) Live All that You Feel with Reverence.
3) Know All that You Possess with Discipline.
We are spiritual warriors walking the narrow path. The Great Ones say it may not be easy. Some of them took 7 years to master each one of the Sacred Laws, some took many lifetimes. Reincarnation is God's way of generously giving us all the time we need to learn and align with the Ihi Kapu Sacred Laws of Pono/Aloha. We now have the power of inner mastery becoming sovereign human beings. Hawaiian Sovereignty begins within!
Hale Makua Seen by many as the Chief Kahuna of The Island of Hawaii, Hale Makua was, through his mother, a seventh generation descendant of King Kamehameha and his third wife Kahaku Ha’a Koi Wahine Pi’o. Through his father, he was a seventh generation descendent of High Chief Keoua Kuahu’ula, the son of High Chief Kalaniopu’u and cousin of King Kamehameha.
Makua, as he was generally known, was recognized as a kahuna elder and as a high chief all over the oceanic world. The Hawaiian word kahuna implies mastery, and Makua was the keeper of an extraordinary and possibly unequaled body of knowledge. He was also a warrior, a mystic, a sage and an accomplished healer.
"Very few people knew who he was, because he kept a very low profile because of his genuine humility. Makua was kahuna on both sides of his family, which means he comes from a long tradition of kahuna mystics; he was a kahuna kupua. And you could say that he was a shaman, because he had such an ongoing and open relationship with his ancestors in spirit. As I got to know him I learned that he had approximately 27 generations of ancestors following him around as his spiritual advisors! It was like he had an open link to these ancestors all the time. So you could call Makua a shaman.Makua never called himself a kahuna, but he certainly was. If you went to Easter Island or to New Zealand or Tahiti or Huahine or Raiatea, everyone knew him. And in his elder years, he really moved toward becoming a world figure. They would send him to speak to the Native American nations. He was on stage with the Dalai Lama at the United Nations in New York, and he was sent to many of the conferences with the world indigenous spiritual network in Africa and elsewhere. So this guy was really something! I guess you could say that in many ways, he was kind of like the Dalai Lama of Polynesia." -- Hank Wesselman Makua passed away from this world in 2004.
We hope that he is smiling down upon us from Kua I He Lani!
E na`i wale no`oukou, I ku`u pono`a`ole pau
"Prevail / continue my just deeds, they are not yet finished"
-- King Kamehameha I
Makua's three pillars of Aloha, to walk in respect, humility and to allow the world to come to you, to care for your kuleana with self-discipline.
Makua was a master teacher. He had an uncanny ability to meet each person at their own level, leaving them feeling fully seen and uniquely loved.