FAQ's Benefits of John of God Crystal Bath
About the Crystal Beds and Crystal Bed Healing Treatments
What is Crystal Bed therapy?
The concept of the Crystal bed also called crystal bath therapy was channeled to John of God who then had it developed for practical use and incorporated it as an important healing modality at his healing center affectionately known as "the Casa". For visitors to the Casa, the Crystal Healing Beds are available to all and are prescribed by the Spiritual Doctors/Entities (Healing Spirit Guides) of the Casa for rejuvenation, alignment and balancing of the our energy fields, which in turn aids in the process of spiritual and physical healing. When you walk before John of God during his "incorporation" by the entities for a healing, he either prescribes: visible or invisible surgery, sitting in the Current Room, taking Herbs, receiving a Crystal Healing Bath, or receiving a cleansing under the Sacred waterfall.
What is a Crystal Bed?
A crystal bed has 7 extremely clear and highly polished Vogel cut quartz crystals suspended approximately 12 inches above the client lying on a massage table. Each of the quartz crystals has been cut to a specific frequency. Each crystal is aligned above one of the seven human energy centers or chakras. Colored lights, chosen to match the frequency of chakra colors, radiate light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra, and shine on and off in certain rhythms to cleanse, balance, and align your energies. The individual receiving the session rests face up with eyes closed, bathing in the energy.
How is this a portal?
In addition to the healing power of the crystals and color therapy that the bed provides, the spirit entities of the Casa are able to use this device as portal so that they may more easily make their presence felt to those who seek their help in healing. Thus, those using the bed often receive healings from the entities, one of 6 spirit master doctors or sometimes hear inner guidance from them.
How do I prepare for my Crystal Bath?
You need to do nothing. However, for the best results, simply maintain an attitude of openness and receptivity. It is also helpful, but not essential, that you form a specific intention or prayer of what you want help with.
How is a "Crystal Bed Healing" Session conducted?
"Crystal Bed Healing" is safe and non-invasive. The person receiving the "Crystal Bed Healing" simply removes their shoes, and glasses then lies fully clothed, on a massage table below the suspended crystals, so that each of the seven crystal aligns to the their corresponding chakra. Once the person is comfortable, a white cloth is placed over their eyes, soft music is turned on, and finally the pulsating lights shining through the crystals is turned on. All the individual need to do is to relax, let go, or even fall sleep. The light, the crystals, and the healing spirit beings will do the rest.
What will I experience?
People feel all manner of sensations during and after sessions - pressure, weight, lightness, heaviness, hot, cold, wind, all manner of body sensations, tickling, tingling etc. The crystals can evoke feelings of peace and serenity, and typically a very deep relaxation. You may simply fall asleep and wake up feeling very refreshed and renewed. You may experience insights and release of specific personal issues and memories. You may have feelings of warmth, movement, expansion, cleansing, or a feeling of being touched. Some people feel sensations of physical healing taking place, as they feel the presence of the Spiritual Doctors/Entities working directly on their physical bodies. Your awareness may even extend beyond yourself to higher states of consciousness.
How does the "Crystal Bed" produce Healing?
The "Crystal Bed" combines the power of Color Therapy and Crystal Healing Therapy. This energy stream produces beneficial stimulation on many physical and energetic levels of being. This combination of healing energies is further and GREATLY ENHANCED, by the "Healing Spiritual Doctors/Entities" of the Casa de Dom Inacio. These Healing Entities are the Spiritual Beings that work in and around the Casa de Dom Inacio and with all those deeply connected to the Casa family. These are also the Spiritual Doctors/Entities that are incorporated by the Medium Joao Teixeira de Faria, also known as "John of God". The colored light shining through the crystals is a tool that the Entities use to channel their healing energy into the individual receiving the "Crystal Bed Healing". As the color is transmitted through the crystal onto the corresponding Chakra, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all of the other chakras. This allows the other aspects of our self, whether it be mental, emotional or physical to be brought into balance. For when the chakras are out of balance, all the other aspects of ourselves will also be out of balance. Then as these subtle energies are brought into balance, the body's own natural healing mechanisms are able to function as they was designed to do. The "Crystal Bed Healing" cleanses, balances and recharges the body's energy and creates a deep relaxation. It is also a great preventative modality.
What to expect after "Crystal Bath" Session?
As with many of Subtle Energy Healing Therapies, no claims can be made that any disease states can be cured. However there are many, many reports of healings occurring daily throughout the world. Healing can occur on many different levels, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. The crystal bed also can help open the connection with the Healing Spirit Guides.
Many people who have had "Crystal Baths" Sessions have reported some of the following:
* An increase of definitions in the senses (taste-food, sight-colors, touch-awareness)
* feeling more energized- clear thoughts- ability to focus
* feeling a deep relaxation- a connection to the earth and or universe
* feeling more at peace within themselves- a balance of the chakras
* feeling less stressed and an increased sense of overall well being- increase in health
* a deeper spiritual understanding of themselves, and their life situations
* gaining insights into their future life path and the evolution of mother earth
* gaining insights of the cause of disease states- looking inward into personal health
* receiving guidance as to how to best deal with their disease or problems
Each and every person who receives a "Crystal Bed Healing" reports a different effect, each experience being relevant and unique to his/her own condition, needs, and level of awareness. Many people who have experienced the crystal bed also feel themselves in an altered state after a session. Many say they feel the sensation of being worked on by spirits, some float back into past lives, and some a feeling of great attunement to spirit. The experience is totally individual.
What do I do after a Crystal Bath?
It is advisable for the individual to rest for an hour, after a "Crystal Bed Healing" Session to fully absorb the experience. It is also advisable to drink several glasses of water over the next several hours to help rid the body of any toxins or waste products which tend to be released through the cleansing action of the Crystal healing. It also can be helpful to write down the experiences and guidance which can occur during the healing session, to help integrate and ground the experience into your life.
Duration of Crystal Bath Sessions
Sessions are either 20, 40, or 60 minutes. Sessions can be had every day if needed, however no more than one (1) hour of treatment is recommended in one (1) day. Initially, sessions are of 40 minutes duration for one in average health. This allows the individual to become accustomed to the effects of the "Crystal Bed Healing". Once comfortable with the 20 or 40 minute sessions, then the sessions can be extended.
How often should "Crystal Bath" be had?
The number of sessions someone has depends on the individuals' level of health, and their reason for having "Crystal Bed Healing" Sessions.
If someone is very ill, then sessions can be as many as two to three per week until their level of health increases, then reducing the frequency to weekly and then to monthly.
If an individual is having Crystal Bed Healing Sessions for a spiritual reason then one or two sessions weekly are adequate.
Still others prefer to come when they feel the need, and others come once a month as preventive or to help them stay "tuned up.”
These Casa de Dom Inacio Crystal Beds
At the Casa, the Spiritual Doctors/Entities often prescribe crystal-bed therapy. Providing the original Casa crystal beds outside of the confines of the Casa - with the specific recommendation and connection with the Spiritual Doctors/Entities - brings the energy and healing vibration of the Casa to you.
John of God personally guarantees the energy of the Crystal Beds and thinks of them as his children. In addition, we carefully follow our own guidance from the Spiritual Doctors/Entities in how we use the Crystal Beds and work with our clients. Because space and time are an illusion, the Spiritual Doctors/Entities are able to be present here and work directly with those who seek their healing and guidance through the crystal beds.
It is a special privilege for us to be able to serve you in this unique way, where you can receive the energy generated from this powerful healing tool without having traveling to Brazil. We also have two prayer triangles blessed by the entities which further connect your prayers to the Spiritual Doctors/Entities of the Casa.
More about the Crystals
The crystals for the Crystal Bed were mined in a small town called Garimbo de Ouro in Brazil where gold and precious stones, quartz crystals, and amethyst lie beneath the surface of most of that area resulting in a profound energy emanating from the land. Joao Teixeira de Faira (John of God) says that the crystals making up the bed, were "born in beds of water, deep beneath the earth." They were extracted from the earth and personally selected and guaranteed by John of God. Each of the seven crystals came from a single stone and was carefully polished to exacting standards.
Scientific Observations on Crystal Therapy
Crystals have some of the highest molecular orderliness found in nature. Light passing through the crystal will resonate with the structured patterns of the crystal. Water can take on a variety of molecular patterns. It is know that when water forms well organized and geometrically shaped molecule patterns, it has increased surface tension and bonding properties. This is the pure state of water found in healthy cell tissue, while ungeometric and disorganized water molecules are found in unhealthy cells and cancer cells. Thus, one explanation for the health giving effects of crystal therapy is that the well organized vibration resonating from the crystals helps to organize the water in our tissues and cells.
Much of our understanding of crystal therapy was developed by Marcel Vogel, who spent his lifetime investigating quartz crystals. He designed experiments demonstrating the power of crystals to affect physical processes.
The experiments of Vogel and his associates proved the following:
* A precisely cut quartz crystal produces a constant vibration of the same frequency as water in its purest state.
* Moving water will pick up the vibration from the crystal through resonant interaction and this transferred charge will restructure the water.
* A cut crystal can be charged with intent to structure water. Since we are made up of 90% water this carries strong implications for how our body and health can be effected.
In Addition to each Crystal Bed Healing you will receive:
A Hawai'ian Ho'oponopono and Ho'omanamana Pule/Prayer Transmission of Sacred Mana/Divine Grace/Pure Aloha that supports healing the misperceptions of being separated from the Divine. Ho'omanamana Initiations offerings also available.
I do not cure anybody. God heals, and in his infinite goodness permits the Entities to heal and console my brothers. I am merely an instrument in God's divine hands"--João Texeira de Faria - John of God
Disclaimer: I, Kahu Kāhealani Satchitananda, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I don't diagnose, heal, cure or treat disease. I recommend people continue to see their medical doctors and follow their advice. My work is a complement to conventional medicine. This spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment of any kind, physical or psychological. For such issues you should seek the proper licensed physician or health care professional. This energy work may help the chakras come into energetic balance. Spiritual energetic work theory believes when one's energy field is in balance, the body's latent healing ability can heal itself. I make no promises or guarantees about the results of this work. This is in alignment with pre-ali'i mana'o on ho'oponopono, setting right all relations into harmony perspectives and pure aloha to support and inspire healing realignment and returning to the PONO, harmonious wholeness/wellness by dissolving stones in the bowl and negative memories stored that create discord, dis-ease, disease and unhealthy states, pono'ole, without the PONO
1) Testimony for Crystal Bath Light Treatments
"I felt a spectrum of emotions, from tears of relief to an experience of pure joy and love.
I felt a sense of completeness, a connection to the world and to life; similar to how one may feel pondering the sky on a dark night full of stars; standing at the peak of a tall mountain looking down at a city which appears so small in scale; or experiencing the movement and beauty of the ocean.
Imagine, if we carried these positive experiences and feelings along with us in our daily lives, what greatness we could accomplish."
-J B, Santa Cruz
2) Testimony
"I had just finished a house cleaning job that lasted over 8 hours and my body and back ached and I felt so depleted that I wanted to cancel my appointment. I'm so glad that I didn't.
The experience under the Crystal Bath Lights was so relaxing, rejuvenating, regenerating and restoring. I can't believe how energized and great and refreshed that I feel! I'm definitely getting one of these treatments atleast twice a week.
This is true preventative medicine and nurtures the body protecting it from daily stresses. It is a God-send!!! I feel so amazingly great at the end of the day!" C. R. Kona
3) Testimony
"OMG!!! I am visiting from the mainland and was so happy to find your Hawaiian Healing Center and Day Spa. I had heard of the miracles of John of God and really wanted to experience the crystal baths.
This was perfect timing!!! These baths are a powerful lemurian vortex of healing energies. I began to feel so relaxed and then I prayed to John of God for healing and He actually appeared and gave me the eye scraping surgery. Absolutely amazing. No pain, just angelic loving presence flowing." R F San Francisco
4) Testimony
I was surrounded by light and love, and prayers as I took part in a spiritual journey with chants by Kahealani, as I laid upon the crystal bed. I was determined to stay awake, but it was so peaceful that I slept. It was the sleep of healing, and I am so grateful for the experience. K MCM Fresno, Calif
5) Testimony
OMG! This is soooo amazing experience. I feel so relaxed, calm and peaceful after a hectic day of excessive stress at work. This bath just washed away all aches and pains and discomfort from my body and my mind. Amazing. J M Kealakekua, Hi
What is Crystal Bed therapy?
The concept of the Crystal bed also called crystal bath therapy was channeled to John of God who then had it developed for practical use and incorporated it as an important healing modality at his healing center affectionately known as "the Casa". For visitors to the Casa, the Crystal Healing Beds are available to all and are prescribed by the Spiritual Doctors/Entities (Healing Spirit Guides) of the Casa for rejuvenation, alignment and balancing of the our energy fields, which in turn aids in the process of spiritual and physical healing. When you walk before John of God during his "incorporation" by the entities for a healing, he either prescribes: visible or invisible surgery, sitting in the Current Room, taking Herbs, receiving a Crystal Healing Bath, or receiving a cleansing under the Sacred waterfall.
What is a Crystal Bed?
A crystal bed has 7 extremely clear and highly polished Vogel cut quartz crystals suspended approximately 12 inches above the client lying on a massage table. Each of the quartz crystals has been cut to a specific frequency. Each crystal is aligned above one of the seven human energy centers or chakras. Colored lights, chosen to match the frequency of chakra colors, radiate light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra, and shine on and off in certain rhythms to cleanse, balance, and align your energies. The individual receiving the session rests face up with eyes closed, bathing in the energy.
How is this a portal?
In addition to the healing power of the crystals and color therapy that the bed provides, the spirit entities of the Casa are able to use this device as portal so that they may more easily make their presence felt to those who seek their help in healing. Thus, those using the bed often receive healings from the entities, one of 6 spirit master doctors or sometimes hear inner guidance from them.
How do I prepare for my Crystal Bath?
You need to do nothing. However, for the best results, simply maintain an attitude of openness and receptivity. It is also helpful, but not essential, that you form a specific intention or prayer of what you want help with.
How is a "Crystal Bed Healing" Session conducted?
"Crystal Bed Healing" is safe and non-invasive. The person receiving the "Crystal Bed Healing" simply removes their shoes, and glasses then lies fully clothed, on a massage table below the suspended crystals, so that each of the seven crystal aligns to the their corresponding chakra. Once the person is comfortable, a white cloth is placed over their eyes, soft music is turned on, and finally the pulsating lights shining through the crystals is turned on. All the individual need to do is to relax, let go, or even fall sleep. The light, the crystals, and the healing spirit beings will do the rest.
What will I experience?
People feel all manner of sensations during and after sessions - pressure, weight, lightness, heaviness, hot, cold, wind, all manner of body sensations, tickling, tingling etc. The crystals can evoke feelings of peace and serenity, and typically a very deep relaxation. You may simply fall asleep and wake up feeling very refreshed and renewed. You may experience insights and release of specific personal issues and memories. You may have feelings of warmth, movement, expansion, cleansing, or a feeling of being touched. Some people feel sensations of physical healing taking place, as they feel the presence of the Spiritual Doctors/Entities working directly on their physical bodies. Your awareness may even extend beyond yourself to higher states of consciousness.
How does the "Crystal Bed" produce Healing?
The "Crystal Bed" combines the power of Color Therapy and Crystal Healing Therapy. This energy stream produces beneficial stimulation on many physical and energetic levels of being. This combination of healing energies is further and GREATLY ENHANCED, by the "Healing Spiritual Doctors/Entities" of the Casa de Dom Inacio. These Healing Entities are the Spiritual Beings that work in and around the Casa de Dom Inacio and with all those deeply connected to the Casa family. These are also the Spiritual Doctors/Entities that are incorporated by the Medium Joao Teixeira de Faria, also known as "John of God". The colored light shining through the crystals is a tool that the Entities use to channel their healing energy into the individual receiving the "Crystal Bed Healing". As the color is transmitted through the crystal onto the corresponding Chakra, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all of the other chakras. This allows the other aspects of our self, whether it be mental, emotional or physical to be brought into balance. For when the chakras are out of balance, all the other aspects of ourselves will also be out of balance. Then as these subtle energies are brought into balance, the body's own natural healing mechanisms are able to function as they was designed to do. The "Crystal Bed Healing" cleanses, balances and recharges the body's energy and creates a deep relaxation. It is also a great preventative modality.
What to expect after "Crystal Bath" Session?
As with many of Subtle Energy Healing Therapies, no claims can be made that any disease states can be cured. However there are many, many reports of healings occurring daily throughout the world. Healing can occur on many different levels, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. The crystal bed also can help open the connection with the Healing Spirit Guides.
Many people who have had "Crystal Baths" Sessions have reported some of the following:
* An increase of definitions in the senses (taste-food, sight-colors, touch-awareness)
* feeling more energized- clear thoughts- ability to focus
* feeling a deep relaxation- a connection to the earth and or universe
* feeling more at peace within themselves- a balance of the chakras
* feeling less stressed and an increased sense of overall well being- increase in health
* a deeper spiritual understanding of themselves, and their life situations
* gaining insights into their future life path and the evolution of mother earth
* gaining insights of the cause of disease states- looking inward into personal health
* receiving guidance as to how to best deal with their disease or problems
Each and every person who receives a "Crystal Bed Healing" reports a different effect, each experience being relevant and unique to his/her own condition, needs, and level of awareness. Many people who have experienced the crystal bed also feel themselves in an altered state after a session. Many say they feel the sensation of being worked on by spirits, some float back into past lives, and some a feeling of great attunement to spirit. The experience is totally individual.
What do I do after a Crystal Bath?
It is advisable for the individual to rest for an hour, after a "Crystal Bed Healing" Session to fully absorb the experience. It is also advisable to drink several glasses of water over the next several hours to help rid the body of any toxins or waste products which tend to be released through the cleansing action of the Crystal healing. It also can be helpful to write down the experiences and guidance which can occur during the healing session, to help integrate and ground the experience into your life.
Duration of Crystal Bath Sessions
Sessions are either 20, 40, or 60 minutes. Sessions can be had every day if needed, however no more than one (1) hour of treatment is recommended in one (1) day. Initially, sessions are of 40 minutes duration for one in average health. This allows the individual to become accustomed to the effects of the "Crystal Bed Healing". Once comfortable with the 20 or 40 minute sessions, then the sessions can be extended.
How often should "Crystal Bath" be had?
The number of sessions someone has depends on the individuals' level of health, and their reason for having "Crystal Bed Healing" Sessions.
If someone is very ill, then sessions can be as many as two to three per week until their level of health increases, then reducing the frequency to weekly and then to monthly.
If an individual is having Crystal Bed Healing Sessions for a spiritual reason then one or two sessions weekly are adequate.
Still others prefer to come when they feel the need, and others come once a month as preventive or to help them stay "tuned up.”
These Casa de Dom Inacio Crystal Beds
At the Casa, the Spiritual Doctors/Entities often prescribe crystal-bed therapy. Providing the original Casa crystal beds outside of the confines of the Casa - with the specific recommendation and connection with the Spiritual Doctors/Entities - brings the energy and healing vibration of the Casa to you.
John of God personally guarantees the energy of the Crystal Beds and thinks of them as his children. In addition, we carefully follow our own guidance from the Spiritual Doctors/Entities in how we use the Crystal Beds and work with our clients. Because space and time are an illusion, the Spiritual Doctors/Entities are able to be present here and work directly with those who seek their healing and guidance through the crystal beds.
It is a special privilege for us to be able to serve you in this unique way, where you can receive the energy generated from this powerful healing tool without having traveling to Brazil. We also have two prayer triangles blessed by the entities which further connect your prayers to the Spiritual Doctors/Entities of the Casa.
More about the Crystals
The crystals for the Crystal Bed were mined in a small town called Garimbo de Ouro in Brazil where gold and precious stones, quartz crystals, and amethyst lie beneath the surface of most of that area resulting in a profound energy emanating from the land. Joao Teixeira de Faira (John of God) says that the crystals making up the bed, were "born in beds of water, deep beneath the earth." They were extracted from the earth and personally selected and guaranteed by John of God. Each of the seven crystals came from a single stone and was carefully polished to exacting standards.
Scientific Observations on Crystal Therapy
Crystals have some of the highest molecular orderliness found in nature. Light passing through the crystal will resonate with the structured patterns of the crystal. Water can take on a variety of molecular patterns. It is know that when water forms well organized and geometrically shaped molecule patterns, it has increased surface tension and bonding properties. This is the pure state of water found in healthy cell tissue, while ungeometric and disorganized water molecules are found in unhealthy cells and cancer cells. Thus, one explanation for the health giving effects of crystal therapy is that the well organized vibration resonating from the crystals helps to organize the water in our tissues and cells.
Much of our understanding of crystal therapy was developed by Marcel Vogel, who spent his lifetime investigating quartz crystals. He designed experiments demonstrating the power of crystals to affect physical processes.
The experiments of Vogel and his associates proved the following:
* A precisely cut quartz crystal produces a constant vibration of the same frequency as water in its purest state.
* Moving water will pick up the vibration from the crystal through resonant interaction and this transferred charge will restructure the water.
* A cut crystal can be charged with intent to structure water. Since we are made up of 90% water this carries strong implications for how our body and health can be effected.
In Addition to each Crystal Bed Healing you will receive:
A Hawai'ian Ho'oponopono and Ho'omanamana Pule/Prayer Transmission of Sacred Mana/Divine Grace/Pure Aloha that supports healing the misperceptions of being separated from the Divine. Ho'omanamana Initiations offerings also available.
I do not cure anybody. God heals, and in his infinite goodness permits the Entities to heal and console my brothers. I am merely an instrument in God's divine hands"--João Texeira de Faria - John of God
Disclaimer: I, Kahu Kāhealani Satchitananda, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I don't diagnose, heal, cure or treat disease. I recommend people continue to see their medical doctors and follow their advice. My work is a complement to conventional medicine. This spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment of any kind, physical or psychological. For such issues you should seek the proper licensed physician or health care professional. This energy work may help the chakras come into energetic balance. Spiritual energetic work theory believes when one's energy field is in balance, the body's latent healing ability can heal itself. I make no promises or guarantees about the results of this work. This is in alignment with pre-ali'i mana'o on ho'oponopono, setting right all relations into harmony perspectives and pure aloha to support and inspire healing realignment and returning to the PONO, harmonious wholeness/wellness by dissolving stones in the bowl and negative memories stored that create discord, dis-ease, disease and unhealthy states, pono'ole, without the PONO
1) Testimony for Crystal Bath Light Treatments
"I felt a spectrum of emotions, from tears of relief to an experience of pure joy and love.
I felt a sense of completeness, a connection to the world and to life; similar to how one may feel pondering the sky on a dark night full of stars; standing at the peak of a tall mountain looking down at a city which appears so small in scale; or experiencing the movement and beauty of the ocean.
Imagine, if we carried these positive experiences and feelings along with us in our daily lives, what greatness we could accomplish."
-J B, Santa Cruz
2) Testimony
"I had just finished a house cleaning job that lasted over 8 hours and my body and back ached and I felt so depleted that I wanted to cancel my appointment. I'm so glad that I didn't.
The experience under the Crystal Bath Lights was so relaxing, rejuvenating, regenerating and restoring. I can't believe how energized and great and refreshed that I feel! I'm definitely getting one of these treatments atleast twice a week.
This is true preventative medicine and nurtures the body protecting it from daily stresses. It is a God-send!!! I feel so amazingly great at the end of the day!" C. R. Kona
3) Testimony
"OMG!!! I am visiting from the mainland and was so happy to find your Hawaiian Healing Center and Day Spa. I had heard of the miracles of John of God and really wanted to experience the crystal baths.
This was perfect timing!!! These baths are a powerful lemurian vortex of healing energies. I began to feel so relaxed and then I prayed to John of God for healing and He actually appeared and gave me the eye scraping surgery. Absolutely amazing. No pain, just angelic loving presence flowing." R F San Francisco
4) Testimony
I was surrounded by light and love, and prayers as I took part in a spiritual journey with chants by Kahealani, as I laid upon the crystal bed. I was determined to stay awake, but it was so peaceful that I slept. It was the sleep of healing, and I am so grateful for the experience. K MCM Fresno, Calif
5) Testimony
OMG! This is soooo amazing experience. I feel so relaxed, calm and peaceful after a hectic day of excessive stress at work. This bath just washed away all aches and pains and discomfort from my body and my mind. Amazing. J M Kealakekua, Hi